Jai Shri Mataji,
Thank you for your heartfelt responses and comments. The survey for Navratri online timings is complete and it seems like we will be going with:
10pm Eastern / 7pm Pacific Time - Starting Saturday Sept 19th
Important: Unlike last year, this year, the online pujas will be password protected. What do you need to do? You will need to sign up for the "Online Puja Room" created for this Navratri and other online pujas we may do in the future. You will need to answer some questions before you are able to access the online puja room.
Next Step: Sign Up Here
Question: Where will the online meditations be?
The meditations will be at the online puja room which you can access once your membership is approved. The pujas will not be openly webcasted at like last year.

* Score = Perfect + Allright + Neutral - 0.5 (Bad) - Impossible
Some Sample Timings (Calculate your times here:

Some insights into the collective situations of those wanting to attend (names withheld for privacy):
"I live 6 hours, two ferries from nearest collective"- Yogini in Powell River, BC"on the west coast 5:30 am would be 2:30 etc. yet
nothing is impossible"- A west coast yogini willing to wake up at 2:30am,
in case we went with the east coast morning time."I work til 9:00 PM and drive 40 minutes to the nearest..."- Yogini on East Coast
"we are alone in nicaragua, and in centro america"- Yogi family in Central America
"I have a litlle girl and the ashram it´s far away from my house and I have no car and also I have no money for taking taxi every nights"- Yogini living in Medellin, Colombia
"I am in a big collective but will be traveling for work during Navratri"- Cincinnati (A situation the online service hopes to address)
Notes from Survey Analysis:
1. Total respondents: 90
2. Data Points Rejected 9 (Reasons: Attending Sakshat Puja , in a Large Collective etc.)