A reminder for 2/25 online meditation. We will listen to a talk of Mother on Creation. We will also introduce the chapter 4 of Lao Tsi before the talk.
Hope to meet with you!
Mandarin/English online meditation Every Wednesday :
North America: Toronto 7:00 am, Vancouver 4:00 am, New York 7:00 am,
Dallas 6:00 am, Los Angeles 4:00 am, Detroit 7:00 am
South America: Bogotá, Lima 7:00 am, Mexico City 6:00 am, Brasilia,
Buenos Aires 10:00 am
Europe: London, Lisbon, Canary Islands 12:00 pm; Madrid, Paris,
Berlin, Rome, Vienna, Prague, Warsaw, Budapest: 1:00 pm; Bucharest,
Sofia, Athens, Istanbul, Kyiv 2:00 pm; Moscow 3:00 pm
Africa: Rabat, Abidjan 12:00 pm, Cairo, Johannesburg, Maputo 2:00 pm,
Antananarivo 3:00 pm, Saint-Denis, Reunion 4:00 pm
Asia: Ankara, Jerusalem, Beirut 2:00 pm; Dubai 4:00 pm; Kabul 4:30 pm;
New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata 5:30 pm; Kathmandu 5:45 pm; Bangkok 7:00
pm; Ulaanbaatar, Kuala Lumpur, Beijing, Hong Kong 8:00 pm
Australia and New Zealand: Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne 11:00 pm;
Wellington, Thursday 1:00 am
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