Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Havan for USA: Jan 24th 2009

A desire started up in Pittsburgh, PA - in the heartland of USA, to have a havan. To remove obstacles from the path of USA's progress in this new era, marked by the new government.

We polled yesterday's online meditation participants and there was a slight majority in favor of 12pm Saturday Eastern USA time. There were many who were not able to operate the poll and wrote via the email expressing their preferred time a little later than that.

So we will have a havan, web-casted online and everyone is invited to join in. The time will remain Saturday afternoon, 1:30pm Eastern Time / 10:30am Pacific Time. The proceedings are expected to be 90 - 120 minutes.

All you need are four candles, kept in a clean area / platter which you may clean and decorate using kumkum etc.


Setup & Test Your Computer:

(more times at the bottom)
Sat 1/24/2009 1:30 PM Eastern / 12:30pm Central / 10:30am Pacific

Sat 1/24/2009 4:30 PM* Argentina (B.Aires)
Sat 1/24/2009 7:00 PM France / Austria / Czech Republic
Sat 1/24/2009 6:00 PM United Kingdom

No time suits all countries, and this time, the havan times are not conducive to Australia/India.

Sun 1/25/2009 12 AM India
Australia (3am or 4am)

Dallas 12.30 pm, Los Angeles 10.30 am, Detroit 1.30 pm

South America: Bogotá, Lima 1.30 pm, Mexico City 12.30 pm,Brasilia,
Buenos Aires 4.30 pm

Europe: London, Lisbon, Canary Islands 6.30 pm; Madrid, Paris, Berlin,
Rome, Vienna, Prague, Warsaw, Budapest: 7.30 pm; Bucharest, Sofia,
Athens, Istanbul, Kyiv 8.30 p.m; Moscow 9.30 am

Africa: Rabat, Abidjan 6:30 pm, Cairo, Johannesburg, Maputo 8.30 pm,
Antananarivo 9.30 pm, Saint-Denis, Reunion 10:30 pm

Asia: Ankara, Jerusalem, Beirut 8:30 pm; Dubai 10:30 pm; Kabul 11:00 pm

Sunday, January 25:

Asia: New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata 12:00 am; Kathmandu 12:15 am; Bangkok
1.30 am; Ulaanbaatar, Kuala Lumpur, Beijing, Hong Kong 2:30 am

Australia and New Zealand: Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne 5:30 pm,
Wellington 7:30 pm

See other hours at:

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